Scuba Diving the PRETTIEST Coral Reefs in South Ari Atoll 😍 Maldives Aggressor Liveaboard - 4K

Scuba Diving the PRETTIEST Coral Reefs in South Ari Atoll 😍 Maldives Aggressor Liveaboard - 4K

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Dive Site: Machchafushi Wreck - MV Kudhimaa, Mirrhi Reef, & Angaga Thila @ Sout Ari Atoll - Maldives

Mirrhi Reef (along with Mami Gili Outer Reef) was one of the most beautiful coral reefs I've ever seen, with comparable ones only in the Red Sea, Southern Egypt. More like lush, colorful, coral gardens and meadows that we floated above for an hour on this drift dive. We saw lots of different fishes, macro life, and odd sea cucumber/ sponge things. You'll see them tucking away for bedtime into the side of the wall!

The Machchafushi Wreck was a gorgeous, albeit fairly small wreck. You can see in the torch light all of the vibrant colors of the corals growing on the surface that you'd never have seen being so deep.

Angaga Thila blessed us with an octopus and multiple schools of different species of fish. I even spotted my first nudibranch! I wish the vis had been a bit better for better video footage... you're better off to see for yourself πŸ˜‰
